I’m Ashley – big fan of Jesus, cute clothes, building things online, neutrals, traveling to see my favorite people + places + laughing until I have a headache.

  • Allow me to reintroduce myself

    Hey friends! Long time, no chat amiright? I’m jumping back into this blogging thing, + honestly, it feels a bit like driving down hometown roads – familiar but foreign, but we’ll get there. So, why the silence? Honestly – I fell deep down the “find your niche” hole with no way out. I’m too multi-faceted…

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  • Thoughts On Singles Declarations

    TL;DR Be careful with Singles Declarations. God uses you in EVERY season of your life. Don’t be so desperate to get to the next season that you miss what God has for you in this season. Believe God for the deep things about your spouse. Whatever you’re praying for in a spouse – pray for…

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  • Brand Reveal | Bekah DiFelice

    Author and blogger, Bekah DiFelice, was looking for something modern yet with the fun, tropical feel of San Diego. After spending some time on Pinterest and checking out other sites that she liked, we landed on these colors. Bright and playful.     Bekah’s site has a lot of white and open space, so it…

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  • 4 Must-Haves for Your Website in 2019

    Getting your online business in front of potential customers is essential for its survival. Website owners and marketers have to adjust to the growing online presence of social media and mobile apps. In order to succeed online, your new website must provide helpful information to consumers, have sophisticated e-commerce capabilities, and present viable options for…

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  • Brand Reveal | First Days Co

    Jenny from First Days Co was super fun to work with. Her inspiration was nature, she loves very clean and minimal designs, and she had a lot of fun ideas. I built a site for her that was all about her Diastasis Recti recovery program – which I knew nothing about before but got to…

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  • Making a Website? 5 Reasons Why You Should Include Reviews

    One of the best things about the Internet is that it gives everyone the chance to voice an opinion. This can definitely work in your favor if you have a small business with a loyal clientele. Your customers may have even written some favorable reviews of your business on Yelp or a similar site, but…

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  • Brand Reveal | I Am A Clean Eater

    Pia Maffei from I Am A Clean Eater was so much fun to work with! Her site is all about learning to eat clean, delicious food – and let me tell you, I was craving all the yummy goodness looking at her recipe pictures! First, we spent lots of time discussing her site and her goals…

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  • 8 Steps To Breaking Choice Paralysis When Choosing A WordPress Theme

    Has choice paralysis gotten the best of you? Let me guess, you’re looking for the best theme for your new website but after spending DAYS researching and scouring the internet you’ve come up with way too many to count and now you don’t know what to do. Today I’m going to help you break out…

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  • What Defines Your Business Brand?

    Hey friend! Do you think a lot about branding? Or did you just hit the ground running? Maybe you left your branding behind in the dust because you thought it wasn’t important? Did you know that every company should focus on building a unique brand? Whether you’re the boss babe at the top of the…

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  • My top 5 favorite super girly brand boards

    Ok, I can’t be the only one who gets sucked into the Pinterest vortex for hours on end, right? When I go down the rabbit hole I love to check out some great website designs, their designers, and will always be sucked in with brand boards. I have a Pinterest board right now of all…

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