My top 5 favorite super girly brand boards

Ok, I can’t be the only one who gets sucked into the Pinterest vortex for hours on end, right? When I go down the rabbit hole I love to check out some great website designs, their designers, and will always be sucked in with brand boards. I have a Pinterest board right now of all the brand boards that makes me swoon and it’s quite large – so rather than just linking to the board, I wanted to share some of my favorite ones with you right here!

Let’s start the brand boards countdown…

1. Emma Rose Photographer | Intentionally Designed

Y’all, this brand board is STUNNING! The color combinations are so elegant and soft – if I was looking for a photographer – I’d hire her in a heartbeat! I love everything pink and stripey and cursive-y and this brand board has it all.

Emma Rose Photographer Brand Boards

2. Harlowe James | With Grace And Gold

Ok, I’m not gonna lie – this is 1 of two brand boards from With Grace And Gold. I LOVE their designs. They’re so pretty and clean and perfect – SWOON! I love the use of all the pinks and then throwing marble patterns in there – I want to live in this board.

Harlow James Brand Boards

3. Dionisa’s Designs | With Grace And Gold

Well, there it is – number two from With Grace And Gold right here! This rose gold, guys, and the cursive font – SOOOO pretty!

Dionisus Designs Brand Boards

4. Sarah Jane | Big Cat Creative

This design was created for makeup artists – but really, I think this mix of colors and fonts could work for anyone. It’s so classic and beautiful with a modern pop of rode gold – which we all know is the BEST!

Sarah Jane Makeup Artist Brand Boards

5. Twenty Something CEO | January Made

The last brand board on my list includes much bolder colors – but is still just as swoon-worthy! The mix of soft neutrals with bold pinks and burnt orange really makes this unique and stunning.

Twenty Something CEO Brand Boards

What is your favorite board on this list? Or – do you have one that you think I should see? Comment below!



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